We get a lot of these questions, all the time, from our oldest (now 5). It was one of the first things that made me really wonder about him and suspect he was different. I was pregnant with his brother who was born right at his second birthday. During the pregnancy he asked question after question about fetal development, what it was like for his brother in utero, how he was breathing, eating, etc. It was a little bizarre, and now I know that it was also unusual b/c his older brother didn't care a lick about these things when I was pregnant with our youngest (middle brother was also less than 2 at the time). He also asks us lots of tough questions. Things like, "When was I first alive?" I always answer his questions honestly, often times saying things like, "People disagree about the answer to that question, some believe . . . and some believe . . . " Or I say things like, "Well, some people think . . . , but no one really knows." Recently, he got frustrated with the "no one really knows" response and said, "Mom, why are there so many things that no one knows the answer to! I wish we knew the answer to everything!"