DS6 at 2 - who's that man? where's he going? why did he choose that car? is that his favourite colour? where does he live? does he have kids? what would their names be? would they have a toy rocket? where does he work? what job does he do? what does he like to eat? etc. Confined space - rapid fire - car torture.

DS6 now - why is there a war in the middle east? why don't other coutries go to was with Zimbabwe to get rid of Robert Mugabe even though they go to war in the middle east? why is Zimbabwe poor and dangerous? why doesn't the Zimbabwean army get rid of Robert Mugabe? why did the electorate change their minds at the last election? why are countries in Africa poor? why do countries go to war? how did England manage to colonise so much of the world even though it is so small? why did they want to? why did they think it was alright to do this? why do world leaders choose beautiful ladies for their wives? why does the leader of the opposition want to be Prime Minister?

I feel so utterly inadequate.