Originally Posted by jayne
Does anyone know where there is a forum that slants more toward older kids? I really enjoy this one, but I do feel like I'm alone out here in the gifted world of high school/ college.

DS12 will be in high school in about 6 months, so hold on!

When the Young Scholar Program kids 'Age Out' at age 18, I sent the parents an email inviting them to start posting here. not sure it's working, but I'm trying! If you have any friend who are facing these questions, but maybe are spread out geographically, maybe see if they will 'met you in cyberspace' so that the rest of us will have the benifit of your experience, ok?

I'm in need of talking to some people that have "been there/tried that" for older kids. I also need some specific guidance, such as getting scholarships for non-diploma gifted kids, jobs, helping determine majors, academic load for early college, driving rules, dating, early independence, allowing mistakes/bad decisions, depression,teen friends, etc.

I can help with the 'determine majors' perhaps. One of my 'new favorite' books is 'What High Schools don't tell you, and other parent's don't want you to know.' I know the title is a bit lurid, but I found it very interesting and inpiring, and it lists the various majors and career paths.

As far as the social/emotional stuff, I'll be lots of us remember what we, and friends and family members, went through, and although much has changed, perhaps we can help that way?

Best Wishes,

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