smile I'm really excited for you, Ania and your son, of course! When we moved, my kids didn't recognize the competitions mentioned at school, and didn't pursue them...sadly!

I wasn't aware of them, although I bet they were mentioned in school newsletters in crypted-acronym form, like standardized tests. Anyway, I'll be looking into some for next year.

In the meantime...I am going to post a high school related topic on this same thread. Since we don't have our own forum, this thread will be a twisted, curvy one.

I found what I wanted surfing around for high school options last week...a list of academic math/science competitions with their nicknames, and when, what, and where to compete!

I am hoping that if our middle/high schools don't offer one that will fit our 13yo, that hubby and me might successfully introduce one. Never know how it will go though with public schools!

So here is the link! Middle/High School Academic Competitions

(I'll just keep dropping things here in this thread that are high school related.) wink