Inky: Thanks for the info. I'll see if the listserv serves for older kids. So far the ones I've been a part of, are for younger.
I have enjoyed several articles from SENG, too! If I ever get some time, I wouldn't mind supporting their efforts.

MsFriz: Is she having executive functioning problems? I don't know if she is at a private college, but for sure private, some public, have services available to learning disabled kids, even if they don't have testing. They'll sometimes do it there for their students. Private schools especially want their students to succeed. She might look around for that.
My oldest whose in college has a great system of advocating for herself when needed. She is twice exceptional, and it is documented. They did test her again. The center helped her work out a fair but good system, she can deal with. If ExecFunc skills are the issue, let me know, and I'll share with you what she is doing in greater detail.

CFK - I have gone to collegeconfidential, but they are more for finding out deadlines, requirements, and how to get in. Also, they don't seem to have the same...hmmmm, easy manner? of this group. Lots of bragging and intimidating...but thanks!

I'm going to continue looking the next few days or so. If someone knows of somewhere else to try, let me know. Hopefully, I'll find something out there. smile