Thanks, Dottie and Trinity

Dottie...I'm so new to all do you even go about above level achievement testing? I thought that when they took their regular achievement tests, scores around the 98th-99th percentile would tell you what you needed to know. If they do score that high, does the school suggest above level testing? Or do I request it? And from whom?

One thing I have JUST learned....since DD6 started a college prep private school (after Montessori) she has BLOSSOMED. She comes home from school excited & that makes me so happy. I now realize she was indeed understimulated at Montessori; unfortunately this is a realization only in hindsight. After receiving the results of DD5, I definately will have DD6 retested in a year. Have any of you had a perfectionist type child retested? I just know she is at least as bright as her sister.

DD5 test results are in the more highly gifted range. Do you all recommend retesting in one year on the WISC?

Trinity....I love and completely agree with the Sylvia Rimm quote.Thank you for sharing that with me; my children will be hearing that for years to come!
The self esteem issue is a difficult one. I don't want my children to have an inflated since of their self worth. I try to be very careful to praise them for hard work and not innate gifts...and "gifts" really are just that..Gifts. You don't earn them, they are given. It's all about what you do with what you've been given!

I do know that our children are lucky to have parents who advocate for them. I think of all the bright ones who are in terrible circumstances all over the children and I are so blessed.

Thank you all for yopur thoughts/ideas/quotes!