Update 2.

Sadly, none of the parents (of 4) that I have now found and questioned (creatively in some cases) share my concerns. Either their kids do the work as assigned, or they don't have a clue what their kids do.

Monday, I received notice from the specialist (who I was counting on to finally force some accountability/positive reinforcement) that DT100 doesn't think DS needs any sort of help or accountability record since he is "improving so much." Heartened by this improvement, I went to see what indeed had changed - that I hadn't noticed in my after school work examination time with DS. As far as I can tell, NOTHING has changed - improvement or otherwise. Even in talking with DT100 yesterday, when it wasn't appropriate to bring up these concerns directly, it was blatantly obvious that DS was not meeting expectations or doing self-directed work as assigned.

So, I am thinking that I need to talk to DT100 in person with a clear goal of finding out what it is that DS is supposed to do, how DS is supposed to report/note what he did, and what DS is "improving" on exactly.

My plan is to send an email to request a meeting. I plan to say:
I am hoping that we can set up a time in the near future to meet about DS' work and reporting-of-work-completed habits. I had met with *specialist* about the same topic, but *specialist* suggested that DS does not need a specific plan or chart at this time.

Does anyone think I should say more or less? I am trying to avoid one of those email flubs that get teachers so angry wink

For me, GT means Georgia Tech.