inky -
Thanks. I have talked with the teacher about appropriate work, but she is convinced that he needs to "prove he can do first grade." ....I think that "doing first grade" means being bored out of your mind and expected to sit still all day and pretend to be fascinated. (LOL...I am so angry that it seems everything I write is a vent.)

Here is my plan - added by the posts you guys have given me.
1) Don't take any drastic action until the learning specialist has had a chance to see how insane this classroom environment is.
2) Try to find other parents and get their take.
3) Try to find out what other teachers are doing.
4) Try to convince DS that it is worth it to do the some different way than before. (he seems to think he is doing the work, or at least he tells me he is doing it (For example, he can explain the stories and questions for reading work)..and he doesn't usually lie....which makes me think that he is doing the work "in his head"...just not thinking it is worthwhile enough to write down.)
5) Investigate further the other schools in the area. (We used to attend a private school before moving here, but we didn't find any that seemed any better, on initial search, than the public schools - besides the public schools usually can accommodate GT students better unless the private school already does.)
6) Have a glass of wine and remember that he is at least doing interesting work at home, when he wants to. wink

For me, GT means Georgia Tech.