Thanks inky and Kriston!

I guess now I wonder how he will get GT services if he won't "do first grade." Maybe another visit to the learning specialist is in order.

Originally Posted by inky
The silver lining may be that the principal will know you aren't a good match for a lackluster teacher next year!
I guess I never stated it...but DS6 is in a public "Montessori" classroom, so his teacher is his teacher for 1.2.3....which probably makes the whole situation seem phenomenally worse (to me). I put Montessori in quotes because the classroom doesn't follow the philosophy, really. There are kids from all three ages, and they do have some materials....but that is the end of it. Maybe this gets back to Kriston's earlier point on neglect vs. self-sufficiency.

Originally Posted by Kriston
We used a sitter so I could write my novel and still homeschool.
I suppose that is an adaptation that may work for us....I will think further about our options. I hadn't really considered still pursuing my own thing if I took him out of school.

I am much more motivated now. I like that, here at least, I don't have to worry about the non-understanding of parents with ND kids.

For me, GT means Georgia Tech.