
This is the same sort of program that my DS6 is in. He goes from class to class like a middle schooler and he loves it! I was worried that the older kids would pick on him, but he seems to inspire a protective nature in the older kids. They all look out for him. We are looking at a multi grade skip for next year, 3rd instead of 1st but he doesn't spend any time in those grades now so I don't think it will be an issue. This year has given us great peace of mind in that we know he can handle himself in groups of older kids. I don't think I would have felt good about him going straight to 1st this year without a clue as to how it would work out. This way he is full time differentiated, taking classes that he normally wouldn't even have access to for another few years. All of his teachers report on his great attitude and love for learning.

I hope it works out for you as it has for us, because in the end we all just want our kids happy!

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!