Hi everyone. We had our meeting yesterday and it went well (I think). As usual I sat trembling the whole way through (I always do this in meetings about DS6!), but fortunately the presence of DH managed to stop me chattering away aimlessly smile

The Head is going to meet with all of DS6's teachers and get back to us next week with their proposed solution. DH and I tried not to rule anything out, we would still be happy for him to stay in his yeargroup and have differentiation, but I don't think that this has worked to date.

I think that the school are unlikely to accelerate him more than one grade - personally I am not sure if there is any point doing this because of all the upheaval and I don't think that the work will be sufficiently challenging - they will still have to differentiate and then we are back to square one!

On the bright side the Head is very kind and supportive and understanding of our situation so we can't ask for more than that. We just want DS6 to be happy. Hopefully next week we will have a solution!