thank you all so much...but SHOOT, now I am back at square-one! I am trying to find parents that have send kids to the preschools I am looking at and listen to what they say. I know each school will be different, but I was really hoping that Montessori would allow her to sort of work at her own pace. How do I make sure that the particular school/preschool will allow this? I also thought that maybe the Montessori preschool would be a little more organized and relaxed than some other preschools. Our daughter is not great in loud, busy social situations. She is quite shy and, unless I am with her, she is almost not very interested in playing (or being in the same room as) other children, except her cousin. I was hoping that preschool would help with this too.

I am going in circles, I know. It is such a hard choice. I think 1/2 of me wants to keep her home, but I think that might be for selfsih reasons, but I don't know. The other 1/2 wants her to go to school because I am not sure I can giver her everything she needs, including socializing.