Hi, I tried to ask this earlier; now I really need a response smile I started the process to have ds checked out for possible ld (maybe auditory processing disorder, maybe other stuff??). I have a good lead on a neuropsychologist, but it was also suggested to me to speak with the pediatrician first. I met with the ped last night. She was really understanding, commented that some of the issues ds and I related could be due to being gifted.
Issues related: boredom/daydreaming in class, rote memorization issues with math facts, having trouble making friends - granted we did change schools this year - very high energy (bouncing off the walls at times), and the big one, what appears to be an inability to hear in certain white-noise settings (car, computer lab).
She said it would be extremely rare for a child with excellent school behavior to show up as adhd, but might as well do this Vanderbilt scale sheet for parents and teacher to fill out. At first I was freaking out, now I am more ok and think the bit about thinking in terms of his age and the last 6 months helps keep me from thinking of his issues as 'very often'.

Also, she is recommending a developmental pediatrician, so I will likely make an appointment for that soon. She said that this dev. ped. would look more closely at the possibility of asperger's, but to not freak out on that either because a good bit of social ability can be learned - maybe he just needs the therapy wink Lord knows I am probably not the best 'social butterfly' example a kid could have.

I would say that in general it seems like issues he's had with memory, high energy, etc. seem to be getting gradually better over the last few years.

I thought that if this other ped. thinks we need more full assessment he/she would at that point likely have us go to the neuropsychologist and from there possibly the audiologist.

However, lastly, she said get the school involved for the ld testing (audiologist, etc).
I think it was Grinity who warned against involving the school at all...
Now I am really wondering what negative experiences could I run into if we involve the school?
Are you mainly referring to misdiagnosis (due to lack of recognition of some of the overlap of gt flags w/symptoms of aspergers, etc.) ?
I feel pretty well warned about that ....but I don't know how they make the diagnosis and call for additional services for a child. frown
Very confused.
If I couch this in very specific 'auditory processing issue' terms would they test for just that?
Also wondering if I can't just ignore the whole thing and it will go away... wink
not too down about it, but wanting some input from those who've gone down this path.