My daughter does have gifted aspergers. The singular thing that I found most helpful in underdstand aspergers, particularly gifted aspergers is an article called Giftedness and Asperger's Syndrome: A New agenda for Education, maybe this will work if not google the title

It has two great tables that I like, especially Table 2 which specifically lists characteristics of gifted children and characteristics of gifted children with aspergers and compares the two. It was only when family read this article and understood this that they could see that my DD is actually an aspie. Much of the information written about aspergers is about aspergers in general and not geared toward gifted aspergers and there truely is a difference and that difference definately delayed my daughters diagnoses. there are tests that are specifically geared toward gifted aspergers children where they may pass a standard evaluation. My daughter passed all the standard speech therapy tests with high scores and completely bombs tests specific to aspergers children with gifted IQs.

The other thing to remember is that social characteristics of aspergers will become more pronounced with age without intervention. They will also begin to show in English Language arts for instance when a child doesn't understand inference meaning and may struggle with fiction. I could go on and on but better stop there, you get the idea.

EPGY OE Volunteer Group Leader