Originally Posted by ienjoysoup
They kept asking me if he had "catch phrases", responces he would say over and over (He doesn't). Also there was a lot of discussion about creative play. ("Does he play with little toys and give make them talk to each other?")

I am not sure if this is helpful to you. But I hope so.


I have not finished reading this entire thread so if my question is a duplicate I do apologize but the above quote peaked my interest b/c my DD 28 mth old is very imaginative in her play with everything including imaginary creatures. And she does have them talk to each other. IE she will be holding baby panda and baby hops (little stuffed animals) and they will be playing with each other and than one picks a fight and the other starts crying and the bad one gets put in a time out and than he has to apologize and the game is started all over again. She also has catch phrases but I would say that has more to do with my mom and teaching her 'cute' catch phrases such as 'Oh dear'.

So my question is how does the above relate to asperger? In the pretend play I see it more as showing empathy than not understanding it but by the questions you posted she would fit into the category.