Thanks for all your replies.

It is a significant departure from the norm for the G.p to refer him for assessment and I am very very lucky. However I am a nurse and luckily know how to navigate the system. I decided early on never ever to sit across the table from a professional who knew more about all this than me so I have researched thoroughly for about three years now.

The G.P has met my son on several occasions and recognised early that he was exceptionally bright and presented significant management issues. He has been very supportive through all this and we have worked together well. I am very grateful. The problem is he seems to meet no criteria for adhd, aspergers or anything else. He just is too bright for his emotional age and is an extrovert and the strongest willed person I have met.

I just need to know how bright he is and if there are any relative weaknesses. Should I ask the G.P. to hold off until he is six?

I have read the misdiagnosis book and he definetely does not meet the criteria for adhd or anything on the autistic spectrum, I have worked with asd for over twenty years and he has far too much imagination and social skills to fit that. I am terrified though that his behaviour mimics adhd so closely at times that he is ripe for misdiagnosis. Engage him in something challenging to do and he is fine, just too quick and insatiable. Perhaps it will get better as he matures emotionally? He just seems off in his own little box miles away from anyone elses box.

Thanks again

Thanks again