I did look into the possibility of enrolling my then 11 year old son into our community college last year. After I was told that students must be at least 16 years old I contacted our regional superintendent. He called back once to inform me that he was still looking into the possibility of an exception if I accompanied my son, but I didn�t hear from him for a final answer. In the meantime, my son received a scholarship offer from a private school to include continued math acceleration (main reason we left previous school) and an offer to start as a freshman at the local Catholic high school. I think we may have had a shot at the cc option if I had persisted because the regional superintendent seemed pretty reasonable.-I�ll assume he lost my contact info!

I don�t know how missing a year of high school would effect college applications other than a vague understanding that some colleges (Stanford and Washington U stand out) are more accepting of non traditional education applicants than others. You may want to call a few admissions offices to learn their expectations for proper course documentation.

I would love to learn more about the differences and similarities between AP and IB too as it seems our relocation to D.C. is likely.