I have no direct experience, but I've overheard that IB is less flexible and more paperwork. Lots of community service. Perhaps better for a globally gifted kid that can is ingenious about filling their own needs inside a rigid structure.

I've heard that individual AP classes can be very poor, with the majority 'shouting down' any alternative points of view.

Still, for my kid, the more inherantly flexible the structure, the better.

Sad that even with the principal and counselor backing you, the diestrict nixed the acceleration. I would try to go over the district's head and push a bit more if you can.

Running Start sounds great for 11th grade, can you partake as a homeschooler and decleare him an 11th grader at will? What about paying for a cc class or two while you wait? Perhaps you can get the gradeskip through this back door if the school is used to granting HS credit for CC classes?

Best Wishes,

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