Originally Posted by Lina
Honestly, my math scores aren't that exceptional, as I have two friends who also took the SAT and had 770 and 730 as a math score, and they both skipped a math grade. Would my verbal help somehow?

Hi Lina,
My last post was from my phone, so - sorry about the weird symbols - I have no idea what's up with that!

I'd like to add that your Math Scores ARE exceptional, if the word exceptional means anything at all. Sure, you have found two friends who have even more exceptional scores! They are also exceptional. It also means that your school probably has a higher than average 'average' because most schools wouldn't have any kids who score like you and your friends.

Here's the thing, it's normal for Gifties to have friends who are also Gifted. And since no one can talk about LOG (levels of Giftedness) or even smartness without almost dying of embarrassment, it's hard to 'get a reference' for what your mind is like. I grew up thinking that I was 'smart' but that my younger brother was MUCH MUCH smarter. (I think that he still thinks this!)

In a way, it is impossible to compare one person to any other in terms of Giftedness. I have a kind of periscope brain that sees around corners - LOL! That isn't measured on any IQ test, but I sure do enjoy it. OTOH, I thought that I was much stupider than my friends so I didn't allowances that I would need to live in an area where I would have lots of access to other Highly Gifted People not to feel lonely. I just lucked out that my son qualified for Davidson Young Scholar's program, because now I see that a lot of the ways that I always hated myself for not being 'regular' are in fact 'regular' around Gifties. If my son hadn't dragged me into the Gifted World, kicking and screaming and saying: "Oh come on, so he's bright, big deal!" then I would still think I was 'bad' at being regular.

Anyway, I've learned a lot from reading and posting here, about my self, my husband, and my son.

BTW: My Husband's definition of Gifted is: "That's what you call the really smart people who are smarter than me."


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