chuckle...carriage returns.

There aren't any real standards, but apparently most schools look for the typing speed to be greater than the handwriting speed before they will allow keyboarding in the classroom. So, for most 8 year olds that would be about 18 wpm or so as handwriting is about 10-14 wpm.

before setting up a practice handwriting regimen, watch your child for signs of pain or discomfort, imbalance or posturing during handwriting tasks. Often they don't realize they are in pain, but you may see them pause now and then to shake the hand or head, shrug the shoulders, shift the balance from one side to the other and so on.

If you see these signs, then reconsider practicing and instead pursue core muscle development, OT for bilateral coordination if necessary...etc.

Handwriting isn't so straight forward as it seems. We decided this summer to give Mite (9) a break from his handwriting. his keyboarding has taken off and now he wants to use a keyboard at school rather than write. He's so relaxed when he keyboards. He pants when he writes.

Willa Gayle