Originally Posted by skyward
Now she just turned 4 she is reading and doing simple math. Which I do not know if that is so unusual.

It's unusual. Early reading doesn't guarantee that a child is gifted, but I'm sure there is a strong correlation. Same with math. The standards in our area for entrance into K includes the desire that children can recognize letters out of order. By the end of K they hope to have them doing 1:1 counting of objects up to 10. Your daughter sounds gifted, but I am far from an expert.

Originally Posted by skyward
Some of the things I think are unusual now is just her comprehension, creativity, her vocabulary. She tends to do things that seem like 1st or 2nd grade level.

It'll take a while to get over the GT-denial part of that. It's natural and also probably a good thing to a degree. You're acknowledging that you have healthy skepticism. A lot of us don't have good reference points because our kids have always been like this smile

We tested before K (at 5.5) and we did that so that (a) we could determine if DS was better placed in K or first grade, and (b) find out where we think he might be on the spectrum. We're still not 100% sure of that, but that's another discussion. I suppose reason (c) was to help get of GT-denial which I'm happy to say I'm recovering from nicely. So it helped us, but it's only the beginning. That is probably true for you too. If you do decide to do testing, it's likely to leave you with more questions that answers.

We were in a similar situation, so to answer your question we did find it mostly helpful. Four might be a little on the young side, but if you're considering private pre-K/K programs maybe not.