I have been coming to this site for awhile and it has been very helpful. My husband and I are seriously considering having some formal testing done for our DD4.

The problem is I don't know if she is GT or not. I think she might be, but I just don't know what is normal for her age any more. The testing is very expensive and I am having a hard time deciding if it is warranted at this point.

Hearing all the stories about schooling experiences has me panicking a little as we try to decide where to send DD for K. in two years. We already feel very isolated from other parents. And I am not sure what we should be doing at this point.

Here is a little back ground of her milestones. I don't know which of these are relevant but we thought they were unusual.

babbling and cooing from birth, very vocal
sitting 4 months
crawling 5 months
walking and talking 8 months
16 months conversational and potty trained.
By 2 knew color, letters, numbers, wrote name
the rest is a blur. and we had two other kids in this time. When she was a baby I thought this was so unusual. Now I have three children close in age and a nephew, so it doesn't seem as unusual. I also am used to being around her so she is just my regular little daughter. The idea that she is different from other children is hard to believe although in some ways she seems different.

Now she just turned 4 she is reading and doing simple math. Which I do not know if that is so unusual.

Some of the things I think are unusual now is just her comprehension, creativity, her vocabulary. She tends to do things that seem like 1st or 2nd grade level.

My big concern is that she is very excitable very intense and a perfectionist. I have read the stuff on over excitability. I am really worried her combination of traits is going to be hard for her in a typical school setting.

We are not sure how to proceed with testing, or if we should wait until she gets to school and wait for the school to suggest something. Or even what having her tested is really going to accomplish for her.

From around two she was very empathetic and concerned about wrongs in the world like orphans and natural disasters. She still wants us to adopt a child. Her favorite book when she was three was the Hobbit which I read to her and she would retain it and have conversations about the story with us. She likes the Narnia books right now and magic tree house. She likes riddles and makes up poems. She asks questions that don't seem typical for a four year old. Like how do the nutrients in food go from your stomach to your blood, and how can oxygen and nutrients and white blood cells be in your blood at once. What do they look like. This was this mornings line of questioning. She is very intense in what ever she is curious about. She understands the concepts of gravity and time and frequently makes jokes about zero, she has talked about these concepts for a long time now. She kept asking me to find a cinnamon game on the computer for her and I did not know what she was talking about, when she found it I saw that it was a synonym game. I did not even know she knew what a synonym was. Stuff like that happens all the time with her.

It is hard to know what other children are really like at home if they are similar to our daughter when around their parents.

Some people think I just should not worry about her and that she will figure things out when she gets to school, but I am not so sure.

In your experiences was testing helpful. Dose this sound like a bright child who will be just fine at school or should we pursue testing.