Is this the MAP test you are talking about?

I perused the questions on the science part and IMHO, the answers are pretty bad. Looking at the "Scientific Enquiry" I disagree with the answers on most of them. The waterfall measurement is really wierd - taking angle measurements and distance runs is a better method - you don't know how high trees are if they are higher up the cliff due to foreshortening. So is the ocean rock - most large rocks by the ocean are rough. And the population graph is plainly wrong.

On the physical sciences, The "solid" question could be both rock and oxygen. Oxygen is an element and can be a solid depending on the phase.

I see other questions that are open as well like the shape of the earth or the earth's path question - The earth if slowed to half its speed would fall towards the sun then be ejected from the solar system or enter a very large elliptical orbit - the year would not be twice as long!! The mineral sample question is wrong. Some enormous crystals are formed in the presence of cold water as well as brief exposure to high heat.