HHmm at PT conference Teacher said DS in Kindergarten was given the MAPs test along w/ all the other Kers. She said while they don't expect Kers to know most of what is on the test, DS got it all correct or nearly all (can't recall exactly what she said) so his focus for K is organization skills. She has been differentiating his reading by requiring writing about books he reads which is fine for him since he's also advanced in writing but I can see how that strategy of differentiation (don't push ahead the reading by making them write about easy books) wouldn't work for many kids.

I wonder if it's the same test? DS didn't mention taking a computerized test. Teacher said it had stories which the kids had to try to read (not sure if it was read to them or if they were reading it themselves, seems like for most kids it would have had to be read to them) and the kids had to mark where something didn't make sense. The example she gave was that two word were transposed (Ran the dog vs The dog ran).