Hi Zia's Mom,
I am so sorry that they sucked you in and left you dry - why do people do this? But I am pleased that the damage was so limited. Cathy ((tears)) I'm just sitting her crying over your story. IF only your story was unique! In fact you also probably consider yourself lucky to have been "pushed out" before more damage was done. Not to discount the wonderful teachers, I have been privaleged to have a few in our lives, but even some good teachers are not good for some of our kids.

I know that if you are thinking about the lands end clothing, you are feeling better, which makes me smile. My understanding is that Lands End clothing is returnable in general. If the logo is a problem, then you may be able to sell them on Craig's List. The other alternative is the make your own logo for your homeschool and sew it over the original logo. I've heard that some kids who homeschool really like the uniform look, particularly when they are "out and about" during school hours on field trips, a uniform deflects a lot of ignorant comments and makes some children feel more legitimate.

welcome to the world of homeschooling!
Big Smiles,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com