Well, it's not specific to homeschool, but when someone asks why DS6 goes to private school rather than public, I just say that he has "special educational needs." I think some people have thought that he is at the opposite end of the spectrum, but they're far less likely to delve into the reason! laugh

The 90% test ... is science and social studies, that's ridiculous. In first and second grade, those subjects are typically such a patchwork of whatever the teacher wants to emphasize. Quite honestly, I'd get the end-of-year standards for second grade and hot-house her! Hot-housing *does* have a place when you've got your nose to the grindstone, and it won't hurt her if you do it in a fun way.

Would they differentiate in the classroom? Or maybe pull-outs for math and/or reading, so she could stay in the first-grade classroom?
