Originally Posted by Dottie
No homeschooling experience here, but I am curious about what score level would warrant such a statement. Don't share if you are not comfortable, but I'm curious where your psych might draw his/her line.

I think it's personalized to DD6 because she's been complaining about not learning anything new, not liking school, developing stomachaches, etc. She's pretty miserable. It wasn't a recommendation made just because of her WJ scores; they were the last piece of information, I suppose. Except for a few subtests (math fluency and spelling) her test scores are in that just shy of DYS range (ranging from 99-99.8%) Her GE's were more than two years ahead across the board (some much more than that), and that's with her having a full nine weeks of basically reviewing kindy work (acknowledged by the principal) and no real advanced instruction. Her WPPSI scores probably played a role in the recommendation too (her close-but-no-DYS-cigar 148 verbal, 146 full-scale, 144 performance). And we finally went to a gifted specialist with a wealth of experience. I think it was the total picture, not so much the scores themselves.

We had already asked the school for at least some subject acceleration; they declined. We'll see what they say when we present the WJ scores. I'm not very hopeful.

Thank you to everyone for the well wishes. And now I must get the moon sand out for DD4 before her whining calls out the dogs in the neighborhood. Yuck! I can't stand that stuff.