wow. I've never heard of a service like that! That's really cool - although not the part about then viewing them as unstable!!

Which who knows, my ds might being working on a reputation as! He kind of solved my crying "don't want to but am really stressed and it might even be good strategy" problem this morning by having a complete and utter meltdown himself when they handed him some unbearably dull book in reading class today. He ended up sobbing in the counselor's office for more than half an hour, and completely freaked out the school. For the first time I'm hearing "we need to fix this" from at least the counselor, and the stonewalling has shifted to "we need to meet as soon as possible." Then, we get to play dueling assessments...yay.

I'm not at all convinced that their fixes will BE fixes, but we finally have at least one person who thinks we have a serious problem here. I feel so horrible for my ds...but hopeful that maybe at last they'll stop treating us like hothousing, complaining parents trying to push our ordinary ds where he can't go. Maybe they'll LISTEN now.

And I'm really sad that he had such an unbearable day even on the November birthday celebration day. :-( The ordinary days must be hell.