I agree that you will probably have a hard time persuading the teacher to go a different route, but I really do think that's the gold standard here.

Grin, it may be "only" memorization, but that is a skill like any other, and not all GT kids have an easier time memorizing random facts than other kids their age. Especially Visual-Spatial kids. At 6/7, memorization is not something they do easily! I'm amazed at how much easier it is for my son this year than it was last year, just 6 months later! Nothing else changed; he's just more ready for it.

I guess I just hate to have math-y kids hate math to suit someone else's schedule. You know? It seems backwards!

I realize I'm suggesting a lot though, and the teacher may well not go for it, but I do think it's worth a try. It sounds like she wants to help the child, and that's usually the best time to ask for something off the beaten path. If the teacher had been resisting, then I wouldn't have suggested it.

P.S. I got the Mythmagical Battles game, but it's one of those that's best for review rather than learning, IMHO. DS7 was pretty frustrated with it.
