Thank you for all the wonderful suggestions!!! DS7's teacher recommended we teach him the times tables since he is flying through math and she wants to keep him challenged. She said the next thing for him would be to learn the times tables so he can continue on his math track. I haven't tried most of the tricks listed above but I will. DS7 is highly visual-spatial and loves to draw so tricks along those lines just might work. Inky - thanks for the songs trick. It would be good to keep it on in the car. Dottie - the drawing idea might work as might a partial chart. I'll also check out the link. S-T, thanks for the order of how to learn the facts. RJH - yes, we did use $ for an incentive. I'll try flashcards that we can keep in the car. Kriston - didn't think of the dice game but that is great! I could even use it at a restaurant with the kids or anywhere we have to wait. It could be modified for DD5 so she can be included. I think the patterns tricks might do it. CFK - it is holding him back. On the one hand, I get complaints that math is getting repetitious for him and on the other, he's not willing to stretch. He just might be ready to learn.
You all are great!!! Thanks for the help and suggestions.