Sorry for the confusion. The 63 problems were not from EM. All the 1st graders are doing EM at the same pace and level with their regular teachers. They are also doing math classes grouped by ability with different teachers. The 63 problem homework was from the teacher for the ability group.

It's very frustrating. I've been advocating for an appropriate challenge since August and when we finally get work that's closer to the right level for DD, it's presented in the drill and kill way that she (and I) hate. I'd considered just having DD do the most difficult 20 of the 63 to show she's capable. I didn't because it was easier to just have DD do it than start another round of advocating with a new teacher.

Whoa; what's not to love about that?

Thanks, I needed that. Next time I plan to talk to the new teacher about how these kinds of assignments lead to "I hate math!"(without using the term drill and kill of course).