Glad I didn't bore you with my response. I type fast so I can go on pretty easily without even realizing it. My DS is very literal as well. He is silly and likes to play around all the time, but on his terms mostly. That's interesting about your sons listening about things. Not sure about that, but I do know that my DS tends to hear everything around and that distracts him sometimes. Like we were playing the game Sorry the other day and for some reason is just seemed like he wasn't present. He was only half aware of everything. We were constantly saying "it's your turn" and he was just like in another world. It took us a while to realize that he was listening to the football game that was on while he was playing. Anyhow, DS does not have the best listening skills either. I swear his thoughts in his head are so overwhelming that he misses things in general conversation. If I have his attention DS is a great listener...and he remembers everything. But if it is not interesting or doing something else then good luck. He may hear us.