Originally Posted by shellymos
My DS doesn't talk that much with peers his age, because he is so different then them...they often don't even respond to his comments or questions. However, he does communicate much more verbally with adults or older children (like children that are 6+).

That's DS4. He has a blast with 6+ year olds. His older brother is 6 so he gets to meet lots of kids of this age. He fits right in with the older crowd and sometimes plays with 6 year old more than his older brother smile DS4 has a very good 4 year old friend and I thought he would be just fine with 4 year olds. Well this week we had a teacher/parent conference and I was really surprised to find out that my relatively outgoing (at least compare to his brother) child doesn't really play that much with 4 year old kids and prefers to read books or spend lots of time working on art projects. I told them that he most likely prefers 6+ kids but I don't think they believed me. He too tries to be silly when he plays with younger kids.

Fortunately he is fine and happy in his play based preschool. He is actually on the quiet side instead of being the class clown we thought he would be. He is not shy though and starts talking to the teachers as soon as he steps into the classroom. He participates in the circle time and other activities he just doesn't join the kids in games he doesn't care about.

Seattle, would your son be ok if he were allowed to read by himself while others do things he is not interested in? May be you should spend a day there and see for yourself what's going on. Finding a different preschool may be the answer. We tried Montessori last year and we are all MUCH happier with the current preschool.
