Thank you both for the insight. I suppose it wasn't completely clear, however I was not intending to fight to get her in the program, but wondered as to alternative plans to help cultivate her mind and provide another option to a GT program. We have her read novels and do some afterschool learning/activities to support her intellectual curiosity, but fear for the "bored in school" syndrome.

Without sounding "preachy", it just doesn't make sense to have her do unchallenging math/english during a time when she should be challenged. Typically, school hours are the peak times for learning, and just feel its a shame to have them under-utilized. She is my oldest of four dughters, and this is a bit of new territory for me, so I apologize if I seem a bit overly alarmed.

Although its sad, I guess I feel a little less lonely knowing that others have been going through this too. I just wish the "no child left behind" partyline also applied to the entire spectrum of kids. I'll get off my soapbox now.... smile

If anyone does have ideas for curricula, materials/software or general advice, I would be grateful.

Once again, thanks for listening and your kind advice.

A concerned Dad