OK, time for the devil's advocate. One some site, read that Hiliary Clinton's IQ is 125. But I think she is a perfect example of someone who maximized her potential.

Now, I think the DNA beneficiary gifted person may be able to just see things that she may not see without guidance, who scores higher on the IQ test? Because we do base a lot on scores here.

And that is the point. The DNA may still be there, like a natural runner, who doesn't look goofy when they jog, but will they optimize?

I am going on tangent. There are a number of people who saw this financial crisis coming. I happen to have been in the mix when securitization of mortgages started in the 90s. And we were out of the market more than a year ago. Julian Robertson was out of the market. There is no shortage of really smart people who said to get out, we are in for serious correction. But people seem surprised. That is the difference between tweaking the just above average and the brilliant. The above average are the pack.

And I think that happens across industries. I remember in the late 80s, the chief engineer for Oldsmobile had the best engine on the market. He had this engine sitting in his office in Lansing. Magazines wrote about this engine. But it never got into production. Really. It is amazing the stupid corporate stories there are. Really smart people running companies, but they aren't brilliant and can't find their way out of a tube. But why are they running the corporations? Because the brilliant kids are under achieving.

And that was my point, a long way around. Sorry, on the second glass of wine, it is Friday.
