Thanks again everyone!

I know that it's going to have to be my job to get my DD placed in the right environment. I always had a feeling that the Teachers would just simply bring it up and know what to do, but I know now that is not the case. Also, It's hard to talk to other parents about this and search out advice. They think you are bragging or something. I only have a few very good friends who know my situation. I was in a state of discouragement, but now I'm glad to have found this message board for support.

I am finding it somewhat surprising, that we're falling into that "text-book" case. My DH and I also realized that when we were her age, there wasn't these extra support and resources for gifted kids. Him and I have both had conversations about how ridiculously easy we we though school was; it was effortless. Even for myself, I would show up in to a HS AP Physics class one morning and the teacher would put an exam on our desks. I would think to myself: "Oh, we have an exam today? Oh ok." and ace the test. I never studied in school and always excelled. It was when I reached my college engineering courses that caused the breakdown for me, because I had no idea how to study. My DH went the opposite, he checked out at about 6th grade out of boredom. Also, we both had emotional issues with our peers as kids. I feel like I see what "could" happen to our DD if we don't intervene. I guess I was in a state of denial that it would all just "work itself" out with the teacher providing all the answers. Nope...I'm starting to realize what I need to do.