My daughter just turned 6 last month and is in first grade. She's an avid reader, loves all kinds of books, fiction & non-fiction. She'll read any book you put in front of her - from a baby board book to an encyclopedia. She also loves science experiments, piano lessons and "projects." She always has some project going on. Her memory and ability to pick up facts, new vocabulary is also surprising. She enjoys school and says it's fun.

We just had parent/teacher conferences tonight and learned nothing. The teacher said she's doing fine, tested her at a "K" guided reading level and that's great because that's the end of 1st grade, so she's way ahead. However, I know that her reading level is well beyond that. The teacher wants to keep her at that level because to ensure comprehension, etc. I asked if she ever would give her books beyond that and she said no.

She also tops the chart in math. But that's just first grade math. I know her capabilities are well beyond that too.

In addition, she can be a perfectionist and has been learning to control her emotions (angry, throwing tantrums -- but that has improved.

We have met with a private practice school psychologist who specializes in underachievement. We have a meeting with him and the teacher in a couple weeks. When we first met with him we were impressed with the fact that he could describe our daughter without even meeting her, based on his experience working with other similar children. He cautioned us that our daughter may "get lost in the crowd" because she is always meeting expectations and may never stand out.

I have always hesitated to be one of "those moms" and am always second guessing myself about my daughter's abilities. The teacher asked us today what we will be discussing at the meeting in a few weeks. I told her to discuss a plan for our DD's abilities and emotions. She knew a bit about her emotions and we already have a pretty good "cooling off" plan in place at school. But with respect to the giftedness, I have no idea what to do. I'm afraid that she's already getting lost in the crowd.

Thoughts? Comments?