Originally Posted by gratified3
I'm not sure which is more pitiful - that I actually want to hold my kids back from their own natural curiosity or that one year of a school system has led me to this state. But being where I am fills me with dread for the future and that's why we're struggling so much with a decision about moving.

Hi Jill,
I know! And a friend of mine, with a Middle Schooler who takes upper level Math at the local University said yesterday: "They say 'don't you care that you are ruining his chances to have a normal freshman year at our presdigious university? Don't you want him to live in a dorm and have a normal experience?' to which she thinks - Hey! I didn't make him this way? Am I supposed to ignore or deny what he is?

So - Even if your baby was doing Calculus righ now, you might still run into people who think that you are loony for wanting him to have a school experience that fits his readiness level.

I find that very interesting.

I'm also chuckling about your "only one year" of school experience. Remember that you, too, most likely went to a bricks and mortar school, and remember what it was like for you, and for other kids who were "at the edges" of things in certian ways. KWIM?

Warm Welcomes,

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