Originally Posted by Ania
ACS writes
"In fifth grade his teacher has him on pre-algebra B and is doing late HS/college reading assignments,"

Could you please write more about those reading assignments?

He doesn't have a set advanced curriculum. His teacher uses a standard 5th grade curriculum for the rest of the class that has a set theme for each month (sports, heritage etc). She then assigns DS books on that topic for him to read and do projects on. I don't remember every one, but some of the books he has read were on astronomy, Ellis Island, and an anthology of essays by the founding fathers; all were written for an adult audience. I think these are books that came from her personal library that she thought he would enjoy.

After he has read the book, he usually is assigned a project. He has done posters, reports, and Powerpoint presentations. After reading the book on Ellis Island, he researched his own family history and interviewed his grandmother about her grandparents. His projects are usually integrated into what the rest of the class is doing. So his posters are up on the bulletin board and he presents his reports to the class. He loves to work independently, so it has gone really well. There are some days when the teacher doesn't have anything for him to do and then he just reads a book, which he is always happy to do.

I had "warned" this teacher last spring that she would have DS this year and I happen to know she was thinking about him (and shopping for books, games, and puzzles) all summer so she would be ready. I think I have mentioned it before, but I'll say it again, we really could not have hoped for better teachers than DS has had.