Our first school district Highly Gifted program's SENG meeting was held earlier today, and I must say it felt good to actually meet parents who have gone through/is going through the same issues I have with my son!

Oh and he loved the interaction with other kids like him too (the kids had a separate workshop time as the parents in the same building but in different room from us). In a few weeks they will also sponsor a grade school "field trip" to another school in the district where they will have a geologist speak to the HG kids about rock formation and history and will have hands-on presentation of a variety of rocks; we simply have to RSVP if we want our kids to go and they will coordinate with each of our schools to make sure they get excused from class without it being counted as an absent. For the older middle school kids I think they're going to Grand Canyon and thereabouts for a field trip next week.

I think this HG program in Clark County will be working out just fine for myself and for my son!