Wow, haven't been here in awhile -- definitely not nearly as often as I should -- and the forum's even gotten a facelift! I've been trying to login using my previous user name, but for some reason the reminder e-mail's not getting sent so I just decided to register again.

Anyway, hello everyone smile Just want to share some news about my 6 year old (link to my previous posts in my siggy) - the Clark County Highly Gifted Program finally got around to sending their licensed psychologist out to my son's school last week to test him.

And finally, I got a call yesterday saying that my son qualified for the Highly Gifted program smile The lady I spoke with said, "Your son is a very smart young man.", and -- is it just me or did everyone else feel this too? -- I mean, I've always known my son was smart and so has his teachers and the rest of my family, but to actually have concrete proof of it just really blew me away.

They're going to send me the results in the mail, but she told me over the phone that his Stanford Binet results were - composite score: 149; verbal: 145; abstract/reasoning: 144; quantitative/math skills: 148. I don't know if that's good, but I'm just really happy that this part is over, that licensed people are confirming something I've already known.

We will all have a meeting next week with my myself, my son, the school principal, his teacher, the GATE teacher, and the folks from the Highly Gifted program to discuss options for Lyle.

Honestly, I'm a bit nervous and excited about the meeting -- but I'm looking for help from the rest of you as to what should I expect, what sort of questions should I ask, should I demand for, if any, in my son's behalf. The lady I spoke with said they certainly can do grade acceleration/subject acceleration -- just depends on the school's leniency and if Lyle can handle it emotionally/socially. She said they will definitely put my son in the GATE program even though that doesn't start till 3rd grade, but I'm wondering if that's enough? What else should I ask for?

Thanks in advance for pointers from you folks who've been here before smile

-- KAT

Last edited by _KaT_; 03/16/07 12:14 PM.