I'm glad indigo responded to this...I looked back over your past posts and realized you've actually started several threads with no responses. Sorry we don't appear to have seen them; it takes a few posts to stop being hung up in moderation, so sometimes new posters don't get responses in a timely fashion, especially if a bunch of other posts come in at just the wrong time and push them down in the feed. It's not a reflection on you or your value--just a bit of a quirk of the system.

To your post: your value lies not in how other people view you, but simply in your humanity. I also see that you have a child--someone precious and unique (like yourself) who exists because of you. And do you value your little one for what they do for you? Or simply because they are the unique life they are?

I am sorry that you have had a particularly challenging journey in life to this point, but know that there are those of us out here who believe in your worth. Someone like us is somewhere in your local community. You may not have met them yet, or perhaps their voices have been quiet, and obscured at times by others, but they are there. Keep your eyes and ears open for them.

And in the meantime, I would strongly encourage you to seek mental health counseling/psychotherapy. I hear you asking for help, and that would be a very good place to start. A competent professional would not ridicule you.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...