Whenever I say an opinion, they tend to not agree with me. I thought that this was an IQ problem, but I can easily get high scores on online IQ tests and I even got into Mensa quite easily even when I was depressed. I just don't understand why I don't have any allies in my life. This is rather causing me mental disturbances like I go very crazy about this. I really have no friends. My father is the same; he doesn't have any friends and is unemployed. Maybe I inherited this from him, but I won't let stupid genetics get in the way of my goals. I just don't know what to do anymore. Every time I speak, I'd embarrass myself and ruin my reputation.

I just cannot come up with anything creative to say to anyone. I'm horrible at every single kind of conversation that I can't form any connections to anyone.

I don't think it actually matters since no one even considers my ideas in groupwork for class anyway. Why would they consider my ideas outside of groups?

I feel like fucking dying if it keeps continuing. It's that serious. What is the point of living life when no one takes your advice? I'm not entirely suicidal, but it would feel like hell on Earth.

I haven't really gotten a lot of help on this over the years, and all I got was ridicule.

Last edited by GiftedOne; 03/06/22 06:32 PM.