So we got our report today. While tester noted our D22 indicated her struggles with staying focused nothing else exhibited any issues and as such no ADHD diagnosis. Same for depression or anxiety. We were advised to try therapy to learn to cope with any difficulties she might be feeling and if she starts failing school, day to day things, then to try ADHD consultants. As a part of her testing they did conduct WISC V testing as well. With her FSIQ coming to 128. This was a little lower that I would expect based on previous testing (granted it was when she was 5 years old) and based on her performance academically. However, her VCI subscore being only 113 made me curious if this indicative of any underlying issues. Especially reading of what area of her abilities this subscore represents - it does not make any sense. We are going to think of next steps as far as addressing her mental concerns, but does anyone have any input on her subscore discrepancy?

Edit: to clarify - it was not a gifted testing so no insight was provided on discrepancies, nor was it a focus of the testing, so they just noted that she is in gifted range and move on. The whole testing was done under 3 hours (including ADHD, depression and anxiety questions).

Last edited by MorningStar; 09/09/21 10:59 AM.