Thanks all for giving me food for thought. I think I calmed down slightly smile We playing phone tag with her pediatrician for now, so hopefully we can finally connect with him Monday.

I did talk to her some more about her concerns and still thinking it is not really a manifestation of ADHD but most likely the dreaded disengagement symptoms of her being bored out of her mind combined with all year remote instructions, that provided minimal stimulation for her.

She went for a month to Gov school for engineering and had no problems managing her day to day activities and work load. She was actually very engaged and happy.

However, one thing that does slightly concerning and was questionable in my mind is her sleeping needs that seems to be a lot. I was watching it carefully since I couldn’t pinpoint why it is bothering me, but now I am thinking if there is some underlying psychological issues, maybe this is how her brain recharging from working in “overdrive”. Anyhow, testing in our future for sure.

For finding testers - you all nailed it as far as responses from testers “they have lots of experience with gifted :)) I will have to go back to each of them and drill them some more on that…