Thank you Aeh for the thoughtful response. You pinpointed my thoughts on this subject beautifully. My main struggle is with determining if what she is experiencing is normal response to 18 months remote learning fatigue, teenage angst (she is indeed 15 year old rising senior) and underchallenging environment; or this is truly a manifestation of some underlying neuro-atypical condition, as you stated. We are going to test her, even if only to reassure her concerns are heard and we taking it seriously, but since we are investing time and money (not the most important, but still) I want to get the best possible care and educate myself before this process to make sure I can trust the results and not second guess it and have to go for second evaluation 1 to 3 months later. I’ve already heard from couple of places and they sound exactly the same. I am waiting on the third call and will have to make this decision.

You gave a good point to emphasise the medical side and not the educational issues while discussing our concerns. We will not get school involved, as they were mostly useless in any other instances and will go private testing route.

It is still very strange to me that she is not showing any signs of unable to mange day to day activities, beyond usual teen procrastination. If she is able to sit through ACT test, pull 36 on it and move on without meltdown (and PSAT testings) should this be a sign that she is OK? Yes, she is messy to the point of my husband losing his mind every time he visits her room, but he has OCD and I am OK because I cannot stand cleaning myself, so this is normal and not a manifestation of ADHD in my book. She does procrastinate on her school work, but I would be too if it is boring and uninspiring, but then she pulls all As, gets state level awards and manages multiple leadership responsibilities, all with being 2 years younger than her peers. So I am at loss here with my assessment. Maybe she is just burnt out? I looked up these initial assessment forms for parents and I literally cannot answer any of these except “I don’t know” and “Everything looks fine to me”. I guess I am frustrated at the moment, trying to wrap my head around this and once I have a plan, I’d be more with the program. My husband do have undiagnosed ADHD (we don’t have to test him for it, anyone can see it :)), so definitely family history there too.

Last edited by MorningStar; 07/13/21 12:52 PM.