Originally Posted by HighIQ
I don't wish to live the loser lifestyle.
IMO, the only loser lifestyle is one lacking ethics (ethics defined loosely in this context as following "the golden rule," treating others as you'd like others to treat you). You may wish to discontinue certain elements of your communication style which reveal negative thought patterns. Making disparaging comments about others may reveal more about the speaker, than the person(s) spoken negatively about. From a recent post on another thread:
Originally Posted by recent post on another thread
...be aware of the impact of your words on others you encounter and/or interact with. This story sums it up well:
Originally Posted by Psychology Today
Early in my career, I was collaborating with a senior colleague to write a research grant. As we discussed previous research, I was particularly critical of other researchers. My colleague, who was also an early mentor in other aspects of my life, brought an abrupt end to my comments. In a supportive but rather blunt way, he simply said, “There are two types of people, those who contribute and those who detract. You must learn that the best way to build your career and your life is through your own achievements, not by attacking the achievements of others. People will always remember what type of person you are, and they will trust or distrust you accordingly.”

Seldom have I heard words that were truer or more genuinely wise. People who have only criticism to offer are soon forgotten—those who contribute in a constructive way become part of history.