I think my approach would be not to read too much into the questions on the form. It's probably the same form she sends to all the parents. If your DS feels confident about reading and math but sometimes becomes frustrated with writing, I would just say that and not go into your fears about whether he will find the curriculum challenging.

I think you have a good point. I am pretty convinced that he will not be challenged, but maybe saying this will imply lack of trust in the teacher. I mean, I can't *really* predict the future.

The other question seems to be about learning style so you could briefly describe your DS--is he a hands-on learner? Does he love group discussions or prefer to learn quietly on his own? Both?

He loves learning by himself in a corner, and he loves learning in a group. He is first and foremost a teacher pleaser, so if he is rewarded for getting everything correct, he will be very happy in that role and not risk making mistakes -- that's what the problem last year was. He didn't see school as a place to learn - and that was okay with him as long as the teacher was happy...