I remember filling out the same form last year for my DS when he entered second grade. We had just finished a truly awful year of first grade where the teacher never understood DS or his giftedness. This second grade form asked the parents to list our child's strengths and weaknesses, as well as any concerns or comments that we had. I think I listed DS's strengths (academics) and weaknesses (behavior- restlessness and fidgeting) and tried to make the connection between the two. I wanted her to realize that I did not think that he was a perfect little boy who could do no wrong, but that boredom was a serious issue that affected his behavior. So instead of using the word boredom, I stressed that the biggest issue with my son was to continually find challenging material for him.

I don't know if this made any impact or not on the teacher. For the record, she is the best teacher that DS has ever had, and he was very fortunate to get her. Within a few weeks of the beginning of the school year, she came to the conclusion that DS did not belong in second grade and started the paperwork for a whole year acceleration.

I would imagine though that if I had said that exact same thing to the first grade teacher, it would not have made a bit of difference in her attitude or the school year. On the other hand, she never asked! So maybe (hopefully) the very fact that your DS's teacher is asking for parent's input is a wonderful sign. smile

Mom to DS12 and DD3