DS6 is starting second grade tomorrow (skipping 1st). The new teacher sent a form to fill out, asking about concerns with reading, writing, math, and asking about how DS "feels" about these subjects. She also wanted us to share with her anything "regarding your child and the way that he learns best." This teacher hasn't met DS but I do know that she was surprised by DS's grade skip - she had commented to the homeroom mom from last year (who happens to be my friend) that she was surprised to be getting a kid straight from K. My friend read her reaction as perhaps mild concern, but more shock because the school has never skipped a child - so not sure if teacher's reaction is negative, positive, or neutral... This teacher has a great reputation BTW.

Anyhow, my true concern is that DS will quickly blow through (or know from the beginning) the second grade curriculum (except maybe writing) and again not do much learning in school. I am gun-shy about saying too much too soon out of concern it will backfire. Last year, K teacher got the impression I was "pushing" DS. She was nice, but misinterpreted his perfectionism as a reaction to pushing rather than reaction to always knowing all the answers in school. I don't think she realized what DS was capable of doing because she didn't expect too much of him. If I may take advantage of the eloquent bunch on this board... I need some help from with how to word things so that the right message shines through KWIM?